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What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics – Dentist Dundas

Orthodontics is the study of optimising teeth and jaw alignment. The aim is to give us neat, well functioning teeth that should also look attractive. Orthodontics may overlap other dental specialities.

Few people have naturally ideal, let alone perfect teeth, but the practice of orthodontics can give most individuals teeth and jaws that are very close to ideal.

In the past orthodontics was almost entirely practised on teenagers, usually when their permanent teeth first emerged. But now about 30% of orthodontics is performed on adults, who presumably could not have the treatment when they were teens.

Dundas Dentist

Orthodontics deals with improper teeth positioning. This may involve underbite, overbite, crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth or a jaw alignment. These issues can cause tooth wear and difficulty with cleaning. occasionally they may cause difficult with speaking or breathing at night. Orthodontics can move individual teeth and the position of the jaw to some extent. It often gives us a better smile, but is a desirable side effect rather than the main goal. Well functioning teeth are the aim of orthodontics.

Children should have an orthodontic treatment at around 7 years of age. This will determine if the might need braces or other treatment latter on. Sometimes the child will need no treatment, or perhaps some early preventative measures on the baby teeth will parlay the need for orthodontic work in their teens.

It is usually best to have orthodontic work done in the teens, once the permanent teeth have first appeared. But it is never too late to have more orthodontic work done.

Dental Dundas

There is no reason not to have the best teeth possible. see your dentist and orthodontist for a smile you will be proud to have.

Newington Dentist Dental Newington Newington Dental

What are Dental Veneers?

Newington Dentist

There are many ways to alter teeth that are less than perfect. Many people have braces as teenagers, or have individual teeth crowned when they are older. Another option is dental veneers. These are less pricey than crowns or implants, and are a good option if a whole row of teeth need to be fixed. Veneers are the secret behind many celebrity smiles.

What are Dental Veneers? – Dental Newington

Veneers are a thin layer of porcelain or composite resin that replace the front surface of a tooth. They are a permanent solution, a little like crowns, but which only cover one surface of the tooth.

Porcelain veneers are considered the superior type. They look more realistic than composite, and are stronger and longer lasting. Unlike some teeth and dental materials they should not stain.

Porcelain teeth require a few dental visits to be fitted, as they are custom made in a dental lab. But the results are impressive. Modern computer aided design and manufacturing can allow porcelain veneers to be fitted in minimal time.

When Are Veneers a Good Option – Newington Dental

Veneers can make teeth look like new, completely changing their appearance.

They are ideal for:

  • Slightly crooked teeth. The veneers can be completely straight.
  • Stained teeth. The veneers are clean and bright, and should never stain.
  • A chipped tooth. The veneer gives a neat, straight, complete tooth.
  • Widely spaced teeth. The veneers can be slightly wider than the original teeth, so they sit neatly nest to each other.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Veneers – Dental Newington


  • The procedure only takes a few visits. This is different to braces or Invisalign which takes several years.
  • The Veneers are permanent. It is rare to have problems with veneers.
  • Teeth will be permanently the right colour – No need for teeth whitening.
  • Less expensive than crowns.
  • The procedure is not too complex or awkward.
  • The results look and feel like natural teeth.


  • The natural teeth are permanently altered.
  • The natural teeth and gums must be fairly healthy for veneers to be fitted.
  • They might cause tooth sensitivity.
  • Composite veneer can crack after several years.

Newington Dentist

We deserve the best teeth possible. Dental veneers can give many of us a natural looking, healthy smile.

Newington Dentist. Newington Dental. Dental Newington. Dentist Newington.

What Is a Root Canal?

Root Canal Treatment – Newington Dentist

There is a lot stigma surrounding root canal treatments. Popular culture would have us believe they are torture. But this is very misleading. While an infected root canal is often quite painful the treatment is only moderately awkward, and actually removes the pain in the tooth.

Infected Teeth – Dental Newington

Our teeth consist of several layers. We can broadly divide this into the outer hard enamel, the softer inner pulp, and the living inner nerve of the tooth.
Occasionally the inner nerve of a tooth becomes infected, probably because the tooth is badly damaged or because the surrounding gum is infected. This infected nerve can often be painful. If the nerve is too badly damaged it will need to be entirely removed. This is a root canal treatment.

Diligent brushing and flossing will reduce the chances of an infected tooth. But very occasionally an infection occurs despite our best efforts. Once the nerve is badly infected it will need a root canal.

A root canal might be needed if:

– You suffer tooth decay or acid wear
– Periodontitis (Advanced gum disease)
– Trauma from a sports injury or other impact.
– A cracked filling or other dental restoration
– Damage from grinding or clenching teeth (bruxism)

If the tooth has a cavity or any sign of damage it is best to have this treated as soon as possible. A solid filling now can prevent the need of a root canal later on.

Newington Dental

You should make a dental appointment if you experience:

– Sudden toothache or pain when biting or chewing
– Teeth that are sensitive to hot, cold food and drinks
– The tooth feels loose
– The tooth has a dark colour
– Swollen or tender gums near a tooth
– Facial or Neck Swelling
– An abscess on the gum of a mouth sore with pus

Occasionally the tooth appears fine, but a dental X-ray will show a serious issue.

Root Canal Treatment – Newington Dentist

A Root Canal Treatment will save the tooth, removing the nerve but keeping the outer enamel. This requires a few appointments, but the procedure is not especially difficult, not much worse than a regular filling. After a few days the tooth will feel normal again, and function correctly as it did before.

Dental Newington

We want everybody to have the best teeth possible. If you experience any problems have us check them promptly. Quick treatment gives the best outcome.

Invisalign Rydalmere Dental Newington dental

Why Do Adults Use Invisalign?

Invisalign Rydalmere

Only a few of us have naturally neat, functional teeth. Most people either have braces as teenagers to straighten their teeth, or they have a little dental work later on to fix a few problems. A few of us just tolerate our less then a perfect teeth. But an increasingly popular option is using Invisalign during our adult years.

Many adults do not like to wear braces. While it is quite possible to use braces to straighten teeth at any age many adults resist this option. They feel that braces look childish, and that the awkwardness of braces is too great. These same adults may be open to using Invisalign.

What is Invisalign Rydalmere?

Invisalign is a series of clear mouth-guards that are used to straighten teeth. These mouth-guards can perform most of the functions of braces, but they are far less inconvenient, and far less noticeable than braces. Best of all, they can be removed for eating and drinking.

The clear mouth-guards used for Invisalign treatment apply gentle but consistent pressure on misaligned teeth. This slowly but steadily pushes the teeth into the ideal straight position. The process takes about 1 or 2 years to complete.

Advantages of Invisalign

  • Invisalign is not very noticeable, certainly less obtrusive than braces.
  • Invisalign can be removed while eating and drinking, or for the occasional public speaking event.
  • Invisalign will not cause ulcers of cuts to the gums.
  •  Invisalign is relatively easy to get used to.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

  • Invisalign is not suitable for more complex tooth alignment issues.
  • Invisalign will not help with jaw alignment problems, only teeth.
  • The process takes a year or two to complete. It is not as immediate as crowns or veneers.

As long as Invisalign is worn 22 hours per day the treatment should be effective.

Alternatives to Invisalign Rydalmere

Dental Veneers – These can fix some type of misaligned and misshapen teeth. And the results take only a few dental appointments.
Lingual Braces – These are like normal braces, but fitted behind the teeth, so they are less visible.
Crowns – These are expensive, but very effective. They are good if only one or two teeth need alteration.

Invisalign Rydalmere

We all deserve the best teeth possible. If you prefer not to have braces for straightening then ask the dentist about Invisalign.



Dental Newington Dental Dundas

How To Deal With A Dry Mouth

Dental Newington

Do you often have to deal with a dry mouth? This may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it is a sign that something is wrong. It might just be a case of being dehydrated, but even then a dry mouth can encourage the bad bacteria that lead to tooth decay and gum disease. And it is quite possible that the dry mouth is caused by a serious underlying condition.

Breathing Problems

A dry mouth can be caused by incorrect breathing. Our bodies should breathe through the nose. If we breathe through the mouth instead we end up with a dry mouth, and also end up with a deficiency of Nitric Oxide, which will leaves us tired and unable to concentrate.

It is not uncommon to breathe through the mouth while we sleep. This leaves us feeling lethargic when we wake, and with bad breath. This quickly leads to tooth decay and gum problems.

Preventing a Dry Mouth

– Remember to Drink more water during the day.
– While sleeping try using a nasal strip, or perhaps a CPAP breathing mask, to encourage nasal breathing. Dentist can make a mouth guard to help correct breathing at night.
– Chew sugar free gum, or sugar free candy. Either of these sweetened with Xylitol will also help fight bad bacteria in the mouth.
– Chemists/Pharmacists can sell over the counter treatments for dry mouth.
– Tea, green or black, helps keep the mouth moist. These also prevent bad breath by fighting bad bacteria.
– Use alcohol free mouth wash.
– Give up smoking, which will dry the mouth.
– Limit Caffeine and alcohol, which will dry the mouth.
– If our sinuses are blocked we might find that spicy food can relieve the blockage. Or try inhaling steam.
– Try Ginger can activate the saliva glands.
– Use a room humidifier to put moisture in the air. This is especially effective at night.
– Check to see if you have an underlying medical condition that causes the dry mouth.

Some condition that are correlated with a dry mouth include:

– Alzheimer’s disease
– Autoimmune diseases
– Blood loss
– Diabetes
– Infections of the mouth or salivary glands, such as oral thrush or mumps
– Kidney failure
– Parkinson’s disease
– Sleep apnea

Some painkillers, antidepressants and chemotherapy produce a dry mouth as a side effect.

Newington Dental

A dry mouth should not be ignored. Talk to the dentist, and prevent complications to your dental and general health.

Dentist Denistone Dundas Dental

Ten Common Tooth Cleaning Mistakes

Dentist Denistone

We have been instructed on the importance of brushing our teeth since we were young. But it is too easy to make a simple mistake when we clean our teeth, and end up with problems that could have been easily avoided.

Dundas Dental

Brushing morning and Night
It is too easy to just brush once per day, but this causes far more problems than we might realise. We need to brush in the morning to be rid of bad breath. We need to brush at night because there is a day’s worth of food left in the mouth, which feeds the bacteria in the mouth as we sleep.

Brushing too Hard

If we clean every day then the plaque on our teeth should be soft, and easy to remove with light brushing. It is the time, 2 minutes at least, we spend brushing that removes this plaque, not the pressure we put on the brush. Hard pressure is bad, because it wears away the tooth enamel. This leaves us with sensitive teeth, a condition that is hard to cure.

Hard bristle toothbrushes cause the same abrasive wear as hard brushing.

Not brushing for Long Enough

Brushing is not difficult. But we need to adequately cover every tooth in the mouth. This takes about two minutes. Most people don’t even spend half this time brushing. This means tartar will build up in some parts of the mouth. This tartar is hard to remove.

A timer, some brushes have them built in, will help us stick to the 2-minute minimum.

Just using mouthwash

It is a mistake to think that mouthwash does away with the need for flossing. We actually need both. Floss removes the physical food debris and plaque. Mouthwash fights the germs.

Using Floss Picks but not Floss.

Floss picks (interdental brushes) are useful for cleaning between molars, but we need the action of traditional floss as well, especially for the front teeth. Floss removes plaque on the sides of a tooth, which prevents cavities between the teeth.

Avoiding Flossing because the Gums Bleed

If the gums bleed we have not been cleaning and flossing enough. We need to floss more often. Start by using mouthwash, to kill the bacteria in the mouth. We don’t want that bacteria to get into our bloodstream. Then floss every tooth. After a few weeks of diligent flossing the gums should stop bleeding.
Bleeding gums may be the sigh on an infection. Have this immediately checked by the dentist.

Brushing too soon after Eating and Drinking.

Many acidic or sugary foods will soften the enamel of our teeth. If we brush while the enamel is still soft we end up wearing that enamel away. Wait 30 minutes after eating or drinking before brushing, and either drink plain water or chew sugar free gum in the meantime to help clean those teeth.

Using Cheap, non-ADA approved Toothpaste

Some toothpastes are poor quality, especially if they are bought at import stores. Overseas products are not subjected to any evaluation by the Dental Association, and may even contain toxic chemicals. A good ADA approved toothpaste is not too expensive.

Only seeing the dentist when you are in pain
Preventative dentistry is the best approach, finding the problem early on before it is too serious. Regular dental appointment means you avoid pain and avoid costly procedures, because the potential issues are caught early on.

See the dentist every six months.

Dentist Denistone

Diligent cleaning and regular dental appointments will give us the best dental health possible.

Dental Newington Newington Dentist

Gum Infections

Dental Newington

Our gums are as important as the teeth they hold. If our gums are infected then we risk losing both teeth and bone from our jaw. Gum infections are a serious concern.

Our gums are more likely to become infected if we neglect brushing and cleaning. The bad bacteria in our mouth that cause dental decay will also cause gum infections if we are not careful. This infection often goes unnoticed, but quickly develops into a serious issue. If we catch in the infection in the earlier stages it can usually be cured, But once the infection has progressed too far it becomes permanent. After this point it can only be managed with ongoing treatment, never fully cured.

Newington Dental


This is the earliest stage of gum disease. It causes the gums to become off-coloured, perhaps dark red or pale white; the gums will also become sore over time. Because of the bad bacteria behind the infection the teeth are often suffering at the same time, being prone to decay.

Gingivitis can be cured with the use of strong disinfectant mouthwash, salt water rinses and diligent brushing and flossing. We may need to clean our teeth and gums, and use mouthwash, three times a day to get rid Gingivitis.

Gingivitis will often grow worse if it is not immediately dealt with, becoming the more serious infection called periodontal Disease (AKA, Periodontitis).

Periodontal Disease

This is a more advanced form of gum infection, where other types of bad bacteria infect the mouth. It usually develops from Gingivitis, but sometimes it appears on its own. Over time periodontal disease causes the loss of teeth and bone, which cannot be recovered. It is a very serious, life threatening condition.

Periodontitis might be reversed if caught very early on, though it requires special treatment by the dentist. But once it has started to advance it becomes permanent, requiring ongoing treatment that can only prevent the condition from becoming worse, and preventing the loss of the teeth and jawbone.

If the periodontal infection has caused damage a specialist dentist called a periodontist will be needed to help repair the teeth and remove at least some of the damage. This may entail surgery that open up the gums to remove infected areas, including decayed portions of the tooth roots.

The bacteria involved in periodontal disease has been linked to cardiovascular problems and dementia. Individuals who suffer periodontal disease in their middle years are much more likely to develop dementia and cardiovascular conditions in their old age. This is reason enough to avoid periodontal disease.

Dental Newington

Diligent daily brushing, flossing and use of mouthwash greatly reduce the chance of contracting gum disease. A healthy diet with minimal junk food and sugar also help.

Report any concerns of gum disease to the dentist. Early intervention can cure the problem before the damage is too severe.

Implant Denistone dental newington

Procedure for Dental Implants

Implant Denistone

Dental implants are the modern way to replace an entire tooth. Where a dental crown will replace the external part of the tooth, while keeping the pulp and root nerve, an implant replaces the entire tooth structure, using a metal post to secure the visible top of the tooth to the jawbone.

We might use an implant if a tooth is badly damaged, badly malformed, very out of alignment, or it a tooth has been lost altogether. If the tooth is only moderately damaged or malformed a crown is a better option. But if the tooth is too far gone, or missing altogether, then we need to use an implant.

Implant Dental Denistone

Implants have two main sections, a metal post into the jawbone, and an external, visible tooth.

The metal post is made of titanium. This material is used because it bonds extremely well to the jawbone. After it is inserted the titanium bonds at a molecular level to bone, though this process takes a few weeks to reach full strength. But one in place it is very secure. Only rarely are their complications in this bonding.

The external replacement tooth can be made of various materials, Lithium Disilicate and Zirconia were the most common materials until recently. Both of these tooth materials are strong, and look realistic.

Zirconia is stronger than other materials, but not quite as realistic looking. It is mostly used on back molar teeth where the extra strength is an advantage, and the appearance is not too important.

Lithium Disilicate is very realistic looking, and can be matched to the colour of the patient’s other teeth. But it is not quite as strong as Zirconia. It is mostly used for front teeth because it looks so like a biological tooth.

Some older implants use porcelain, and some new materials are always being developed to replace the present technology.

Procedure for Implant Denistone

An implant will take at least three dental appointments. The first appointment will be to take moulds and match the tooth colour. The second appointment will fit the titanium post. After a few weeks, when the titanium post has bonded, the final tooth can be put in place.

Dental implants have a very high success rate. They should last for decades under reasonable conditions. And they only require the same cleaning as regular teeth, twice daily brushing and flossing. They will not decay, but If they are not cleaned they surrounding gum may become infected.

Implant Denistone

Implants are the gold standard for replacing teeth. They look realistic and last for decades with only basic cleaning.

Braces Oatlands Invisalign Newington Dental Dental Oatlands Lingual Braces. Dental Newington

Is Invisalign an Alternative to Braces?

Braces Oatlands

Braces have been used on many generations of children to give them neat functional teeth as adults. And the results that last a lifetime are well worth the few years of awkwardness in our teenage years.

Braces can be effectively used at any age, once we have all our permanent teeth. It is perfectly possible to use them on adults. But most adults do not like the look of braces, feeling that braces are a very teenage sort of thing. So they prefer an alternative means of straightening their teeth.

One alternative means of straightening teeth is Invisalign.

Invisalign Newington Dental

Invisalign straighten teeth with a series of clear plastic retainers, which are rather like small mouth-guards. These retainers put constant pressure on the misaligned teeth, bringing them into alignment over the course of a year or two.

Invisalign has many advantages over braces. The retainers are detachable, and are removed for eating and drinking. They can also be removed for public speaking if necessary. As long as they are worn most of the time, about 22 hours of the day, they will work to straighten teeth.

Even when the Invisalign retainer is worn it is hardly noticeable. The retainer is clear, and will blend in with the teeth. An observer will only notice the Invisalign system if they are actively looking for it.

Adult patients get use to Invisalign quite quickly. It may make speaking slightly awkward at first, but individuals find they quickly get use to it. In can actually help here, encouraging us to speak more clearly.

Invisalign is not suitable for all dental situations. It cannot straighten all type of tooth alignment problems, or be used for jaw alignment problems. It is quite effective for slight to moderate tooth alignment issues, but more severe problems will require traditional braces, or perhaps lingual braces.

Dental Oatlands – Lingual Braces.

Adults who do not like the look of traditional braces might be able to use lingual braces. These are similar to traditional braces, but are fitted to the back of the teeth rather than the front. This makes them virtually unnoticeable. They are awkward at first, as all braces are, but have the advantage of not affecting our appearance in any negative way.

Dental Newington

Neat teeth look great, give us some confidence, and are much easier to maintain. Talk to the dentist about the smile you deserve to have.

Dentist Newington Wisdom Teeth Denistone Invisalign Telopea

How Can Dentists Restore Teeth?

Dentist Newington


Teeth are rarely ideal. They may have suffered wear over time, or damage and decay. Quite often they were never quite right to begin with. But dentists can fix and restore almost any teeth, and go a long way towards giving us an ideal mouth.
Neat, well aligned set of teeth are more than just a matter of looking good. Neat teeth are easier to keep clean, and therefore less likely to become infected and suffer decay or gum disease.

Replacing Wisdom Teeth Denistone

Wisdom teeth, the back molar in our mouth that appear in our late teens or early twenties, are prone to problems. They often do not fully emerge from the gum, making them hard to clean. And there is often not enough room in the mouth for these extra teeth to fit correctly. This means they may push the other teeth out of alignment.
In some cases the wisdom teeth are extracted, because there simply isn’t enough room in the mouth.
If the wisdom tooth is damaged it might be fixed with Inlays or a crown. A crown will replace the entire outer part of the tooth. Modern crowns are made of ziroconia, which is realistic and long lasting. An inlay is like a crown, but it only replaced the damaged part of the tooth.

Protecting Molars and Wisdom Teeth Rydalmere

Molar teeth are prone to damage on the upper chewing surface. This chewing surface is rough, and can harbour bacteria and food debris which is hard to remove even with a toothbrush.
The chewing surface of molars can be protected with a dental sealant. This fills in the tiny areas in the chewing surface so food and bacteria cannot get trapped there.
If the chewing surface is badly damaged is may be replaced with an inlay or onlay. The removes part of the tooth and replaces the resulting gap with a piece of custom shaped material, a little like a crown. It is superior to a filling, long lasting and harder to detect.

Invisalign Telopea

Permanent Adult teeth may shift out of alignment after we have our braces removed. Or they may never have been well aligned to start with. These issues can be fixed with Invisalign.
Most adults don’t like the idea of wearing braces. But they will often be willing to use Invisalign. This is a series of small, clear mouthguards that can correct most moderate tooth alignment problems. Invisalign is unnoticable and can be removed for eating and drinking.

Dentist Newington

Are you teeth less than ideal? Dentists can restore damaged teeth and fix many problems either aquired or congenital.

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The content of this article is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered a source of professional advice, recommendations, or endorsements. It is not a substitute for seeking expert guidance or making well-informed decisions based on individual circumstances. Although we strive for accuracy and reliability, we cannot guarantee the information's completeness or suitability for all situations. Readers are urged to verify facts, consult experts, and consider their own context before taking actions or decisions based on this content. No warranties, explicit or implied, are provided regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the presented information. Relying on this information is at the reader's own discretion and risk. We encourage readers to consult relevant professionals or experts for advice tailored to their specific needs. Neither the author, publisher, nor any affiliated parties will be held responsible for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information in this article.